ESBiomech25 Congress in Zurich

Past Meetings of the Italian National Chapter

4th Meeting: 27 June 2014 in Pavia (click here)

The meeting was organized in collaboration with the 4th Congress of the GNB (National Bioengineering Group). The meeting included:

Awards were assigned to the best oral and poster presentations.

3rd Meeting: 25 September 2013 in Pisa (click here)

3rd_MeetingThe meeting of the Italian Chapter was organized in collaboration with the XIV Congress of the Italian Society of Clinical Movement Analysis, SIAMOC  

The meeting, with about 20 delegates, included:

  1. General Assembly of the Italian Chapter, with the Election of the Executive Board of the Italian Chapter
  2. A scientific Session with two keynotes:
              • Prof. Deluzio (Queen’s University, Canada) “Can Biomechanical Analyses influence the treatment of kneeosteoarthritis?”
              • Prof. Dubini (Politecnico di Milano) “Numerical simulation of endovascular procedures: state of the art and perspectives”

Dinner of the ESB-ITA delegates attending the ESB congress in Patras


The first Italian Chapter Dinner took place on 28th August 2013, during the yearly congress in Patras. About thirty members enjoyed this nice event.

2nd MEETING: 29 June 2012, Rome (click here)

The Second Meeting was co-organized together with the Congress of the GNB 2nd_Meeting(National Bioengineering Group) as an event of the Bioengineering week. The two opening plenary lectures (Prof. Cappozzo “De motu animalium: from Borelli to the foundation of the Italian Chapter of the ESB and beyond”, Prof. Khatib “Human and the robot”) were given in a joint session with the GNB and had more than 200 attendees.

The oral and poster sessions were open to ESB members only. A total of 19 works by authors younger than 36 were presented to an audience of some 50 participants. The best oral and best poster presentations were selected based on the original assessment by the Peer reviewers, and on the polls of the participants.

1st MEETING: 12 September 2011, Bologna

The First Meeting and General Assembly of the Chapter followed the official creation of the Italian National Chapter . During the assembly, the election of the Executive Board of the Chapter took place: Luca Cristofolini (University of Bologna), Francesca Di Puccio (University of Pisa) and Fulvia Taddei (Rizzoli Orthopaedic Institute, Bologna) were elected, out six candidates, by 26 members. In the afternoon two scientific sessions took place where ESB members from a number of Italian research institutions provided an overview on the research in biomechanics at their centres.

Corporate members of the ESB:

AMTI force and motion logo
Beta CAE logo
BoB Biomechanics logo
Materialise logo
Nobel Biocare logo