ESBiomech25 Congress in Zurich

Research Fellow position on Data-driven fitting for the next generation of prosthetic sockets @University of Southampton

Join an exciting interdisciplinary research team of biomedical engineers, prosthetists, physiotherapists, healthcare psychologists, social scientists and software engineers, who are developing a method of designing the bespoke prosthetic ‘socket’ interface between a person and their prosthetic limb, using artificial intelligence (AI) to interpret data from expert clinical designers. 

You will work primarily with academics at the University of Southampton (Dr Alex Dickinson, Dr Cheryl Metcalf, Dr Maggie Donovan-Hall and Dr Peter Worsley) on a project led by company partner Radii Devices Ltd (Dr Joshua Steer), with prosthetics service provider Opcare / Ability Matters Ltd.

Application deadline: Monday 28 February 2022

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