The Computational Biomechanics Lab at Michigan State University is looking to fill fixed-term research associate positions. The successful candidate must have a Ph.D. in either mechanical, biomedical, aeronautical, civil engineering, or equivalent field with a strong foundation in programming (C++ and python), computational mechanics, and the finite element method. Special consideration will be given to candidates who are familiar with the open-source finite element library FEniCS, cardiac finite element modeling, medical image processing, and machine learning. The candidate is expected to possess excellent communication and writing skills. In this position, the candidate will work to develop multiscale/multiphysics formulations and code to solve problems related to the cardiovascular system. Additionally, the selected candidate will be expected to help mentor students and publish peer-reviewed journal articles. The successful candidate will enjoy ample training and network!
Outstanding candidates are invited to submit a letter of application detailing their relevant background, providing the names and e-mail addresses of at least three references, a CV to the webpage:
For more information, please contact Dr. Lik Chuan Lee at