ESBiomech25 Congress in Zurich

PhD in Biomechanics @TUWIEN

Description: Bone biomechanics is a major research interest at the Institute for Lightweight Design and Structural Biomechanics (ILSB). Bone fracture risk increases with age and disease, yet reliable clinical tools to diagnose patients at risk are still lacking to this date.
Building on previous research projects and expertise at the ILSB this project aims to conduct experiments of trabecular bone tissue at the level of individual trabeculae in particular in uniaxial compression and tension. The experiments are then to be analysed via finite element models with the aim to establish constitutive damage models for bone tissue. These are then to be validated against experiments at the apparent level of trabecular bone. Further investigations are to be carried out in order to elucidate difference in damage behaviour of trabecular between samples obtained from younger / healthier and older / diseased donors.
The post also included participation in teaching activities carried out at the ILSB, including courses in biomechanics as well as the methods of finite elements.
Qualifications: We seek an individual with a completed MSc in Biomedical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Physics, Materials Science Electrical Engineering or a related discipline. We are specifically looking for candidates with knowledge in biomechanics and finite element modelling, experience in experimental (bio-)mechanics, script-programming (e.g. Python). German language skills, i.e. native speaker or level B2 according to CEFR are required.
Further information: For informal discussions please contact Professor Philipp Thurner,
How to apply: please send applications to no later than April 28th 2019.

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