Dear Subscriber, enjoy the ESBiomech Newsletter in the new format!
First of all, we would like to thank again the tremendous contribution to the ESB of the Council members who left the Council in June: Harry van Lenthe, Markus Heller and Mark Thompson. Following the last ESB congress in Porto which was really appreciated by the participants (see some figures below), the new ESB Council has started to work and has already defined new actions (Early career researcher award, New website, New template for the newsletter, Survey to get feedback from our members). Some of these new actions have been decided in the previous Council.
To get your feedback on specific items (working groups, future congress, etc.), please take time to fill this SURVEY.
Please fill all the questions, it will take no more than 5 minutes! It is important: the results of the this survey will be used by the ESB council to plan the next actions of the society.
Meeting News
The annual ESBiomech congress is for sure an important piece of the life of our scientific associations. The success of these events and the growing number of the participants is showing the relevance of ESB and biomechanics in the scientific research.
ESBiomech22 in Porto: a great success.
With 783 participants the 27th Congress of European Society of Biomechanics has shown the vibrant life of our Society. The Congress was also an opportunity to discuss different aspects of research: 200 participants joined the session ‘Women in Biomechanics’ and almost 170 students participated to ‘Meet the PI’ event. The session about Start-up competition was well received as well. With this background, we are ready to another great event in Maastricht! Thanks again to the Organizers and the whole ESBiomech22 Porto team.

Above, a photo from ESBiomech 2022 in Porto. Do not forget to watch other photos HERE.
ESBiomech23 in Maastricht: call for perspective talks.
The 28th ESB Congress (ESBiomech2023) will take place between 9 – 12 July 2023 in Maastricht, The Netherlands!
The European Society of Biomechanics is pleased to announce that the 28th Congress of Biomechanics will be held in Maastricht, The Netherlands July 9 -12, 2023. The theme of the conference is “Combining data- and knowledge-driven modeling: from measurements, through insights to decisions” endorsing the importance of the integration of mechanistic experimental and computational biomechanics with upcoming data-driven modeling.
In line with the theme we warmly invite traditional ESB congress visitors as well as new students and professionals active in the interdisciplinary field at the interface of biomechanics, data science, and clinical research. We are proud to proclaim three esteemed plenary keynote speakers covering a large part of the theme of the conference in the persons of Prof. Blanca Rodriguez (Oxford University), Prof. Marino Arroyo (Universitat Polytècnica de Catalunya), and Prof. Grace O’ Connell (University of California, Berkeley).
Along with the oral and poster presentations the conference will host dedicated workshops, exhibitions, and events to learn about and discuss new ideas, developments, and applications and build networks between academic, clinical, and industrial researchers. To achieve this, we will make use of the excellent possibilities provided by the conference venue (MECC) and the beautiful ancient city of Maastricht where this venue is located.
For more extensive and updated information we refer to the congress website
The call for Perspective talks is now open and Perspective talk abstracts can be submitted through until November 30, 2022.
The congress chairs: Liesbet Geris, Keita Ito, Hans Van Oosterwyck, Frans van de Vosse
Scientific Communications
Would you like to join one of the following initiatives?
- Call for contributions to a special issue in Frontiers of Bioengineering and Biotechnology related to the ESB2022 conference
- Call for proposals for ESB-endorsed research topics in Frontiers of Bioengineering and Biotechnology.
- Call for expression of interest to contribute as presenter to the online ESB Journal Club – March 2023
Read more HERE
ESB Webinar series. On 22 September 2022, we hosted an ESB webinar on TFMLab ( a user-friendly toolbox to calculate cell forces in 3D in vitro models.
The recordings of all webinars can be seen by subscribing to the ESB YouTube channel:
Mark in your calendar!
Next ESB webinar in collaboration with the VPH institute on 15 November 2022 17-18 CET on “Modeling the glymphatic system using FEniCS” by Prof. Kent-Andre Mardal from the University of Oslo.
More information:
ESB Image competition. Can your research be captured in an appealing scientific figure or photo? The ESB encourages their members to showcase their work to the public and media!
More information:
ESB Social Networks Don’t forget to check our social networks where we post the latest news and job offers:
- Facebook (
- Facebook students (,
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- Twitter ( and
- Instagram (
Do you know of a repository, software or conference interesting for the ESB community? Let us know! Contact us ( if you have any job to be advertised.