Dear Subscriber,
We are pleased to present the March’16 news updates from the European Society of Biomechanics. All members are invited to contribute information of general interest, scientific articles, advertisements or particular items of discussion.
Sara Checa –
Call for bids ESB 2019
The ESB invites proposals for the organization of its annual congress in 2019.
The European Society of Biomechanics (ESB) holds an annual international scientific congress to provide the most up to date research in biomechanics and to provide a forum for discussion. (ESB congresses).
If you would like to host and organize the 2019 ESB congress and wish to prepare and submit a bid, please read the conference rules following the link Conferences-Bid Rules General 2016 in the ESB website. Note that these rules have been recently updated and will be valid for ESB2019 and beyond.
Interested members can contact or send a proposal/bid to Prof. Paulo Fernandes, Chair of the meetings Committee ( )
The deadline for bid submission to organize the ESB 2019 is 31st March 2016.
ESB Mobility Award for Young Researchers
Two awards to a value of €4000 are available. Encourage your students to take the chance to visit a laboratory in another country. Submission deadline is 31st of May. The winners will be presented in Lyon. More info:
Travel Awards for ESB 2016 Lyon
The 22st Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics (ESB) will be held in Lyon on July 10 – 13, 2016. You will be able to apply for a Travel Award once your abstract has been accepted (deadline May 9th, 2016).
ESB Membership Renewal for 2016
If you have not already paid your ESB membership fee for 2016, please log onto your member’s page at to update your personal details and proceed to the fees payment. Only members in good standing are able to register for the ESB2016 meeting at the reduced member’s rate.
Call for photos: The ESB society celebrates its 40th anniversary!
We will celebrate the 40th anniversary of the European Society of Biomechanics at the ESB Congress in Lyon!
For the event, we are collecting memorable photos of past ESB meetings. Please help us in this endeavor by sending us those old photos you carefully keep in your backup system!
The funniest photo will receive a small prize at the ESB congress dinner. Please send your photos to
Call for candidate questions: The ESB will launch its first on-line election soon
We will soon be calling for candidates for the next ESB council elections. As agreed at the General Assembly this will be the first time that the elections will be held electronically on-line. To enable members to decide who to vote for we will ask each candidate to answer some questions and post the answers as part of the election materials. For example ‘How long have you been a member of the ESB?’ If you have some specific questions you would like each candidate to answer please post them here,
Other Meeting Announcements: endorsed meetings
The ESB endorses the following meetings in 2016. They offer reduced fees for ESB members.
5th International Conference on Micro and Nano Flows (MNF2016)
11-14 September 2016
Milan, Italy
EORS2016- European Orthopaedic Research Society Annual Meeting
14-16 September 2016
Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli, Bologna, Italy
CMBBE2016 – The 14th International Symposium Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering
20-22 September 2016
Tel Aviv, Israel
Barcelona VPH Summer School 2016
30 May – 3 June 2016
Barcelona, Spain
6th Meeting of the Italian Chapter of the ESB
22 June 2016
Naples, Italy
Organized in conjunction with the Congress of the National Bioengineering Group (20-22 June 2016: Abstract submission closing soon!
4th icSPORTS
7-8 November 2016
Porto, Portugal