ESBiomech25 Congress in Zurich

ESBiomech Newsletter Autumn 2015

We are pleased to present our 2015 Autumn Newsletter with the latest ESB news, additional contributions of our awarded researchers, and of our corporate members.

We continue increasing the Newsletter functionality and the ability to do more adventurous things so please contact us with ideas of items you would like to see on our website and newsletter and these will be considered as the society continues to expand. If you do not wish to receive mailings including the newsletter and other updates from the European Society of Biomechanics you can update your settings in the membership section of the website here:

I hope you find the newsletter useful and informative.

Sara Checa –



Message from the President

The President thanks all participants for a successful ESB conference 2015 and encourages our readers to prepare abstracts for Lyon 2016, where we will be celebrating the European Society of Biomechanics 40th birthday!!.

We ask our senior members to send copies of any interesting memorabilia – photos, conference programmes, fliers etc. from past congresses!

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22st Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics, 10-13th July, Lyon, France

The 22th ESB Congress will be held at the Cité des Congrès of Lyon, France, from the 10th to 13th of July 2016. It is jointly organized by the European Society of Biomechanics (ESB) and the Société de Biomécanique (SB).

The deadline for submission of abstracts is 29th January 2016

More information about the pre-courses, plenary speakers, registration, social program and other interesting points may be found on the conference website.



Prizes and Honors Awards for ESB 2016 in Lyon

Please be aware that the following awards will be presented at the up-coming ESB in Lyon: SM Perren Award, Clinical Biomechanics Award (please ensure you check the submission box during abstract submission), Mobility awards, Student Award, Best Poster Award, Best Doctoral Thesis Award, as well as over 10 Travel Awards.

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Save the Date ESB 2017: Seville

The 23rd ESB Congress will take place at the Higher Technical School of Engineering of the University of Seville, from the 2nd to the 5th of July 2017. This will be the first ESB congress to be held in Spain.

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Other Meeting Announcements: Endorsed meetings

The ESB endorses the following meetings in 2016. It offers reduced fees for ESB members.

5th International Conference on Micro and Nano Flows (MNF2016)
11-14 September 2016
Milan, Italy


EORS2016 – European Orthopaedic Research Society Annual Meeting
14-16 September 2016
Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli, Bologna, Italy


Report on the ESB2015 in Prague

The 21st Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics was held in Prague, from July 5 to 8 2015. Following a year “away” at the expansive World Congress of Biomechanics in Boston in 2014, our society retuned to Europe in a slightly more intimate format, with 536 attendees.

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Prizes and Honors Awarded at the ESB2015

A summary of the Prizes and Honors Awarded at the ESB 2015 in Prague can be found here.

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External affairs

Here you will find a summary of items taken from the European Alliance of Medical and Biological Engineering and Science (EAMBES) newsletters. You may be aware that the ESB, as a society, is a member of EAMBES. You, as a member of the ESB, are entitled to receive the benefits provided by EAMBES.

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Student’s corner

In this Section, we are happy to present the new ESB mobility award winners 2015, as well as the story of one of our previous winners (Michele Casanova), who recently completed his exchange stay in Sydney, Australia.


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Membership news

Our membership is increasing more and more. After the 21st Congress held in Prague, the number of applications has substantially increased. The total number of members is now 1080.

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Society News

The 5th Meeting of the ESB Italian Chapter was held in Milan on June, 5th. The executive board was renewed, confirming the former members Michele Conti and Diego Gallo, and electing Michele Marino as new president of the chapter.

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The Spanish National Chapter will celebrate its next meeting in Madrid 19-20th November 2015.

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The inaugural general assembly of the Austrian Chapter of the ESB was held on October 1st at the Institute for Lightweight Design and Structural Biomechanics, TU Wien, Vienna. 7 active ESB members in Austria were present. The executive board: Prof. Dr. Werner Schmölz (Medical University Innsbruck), Prof. Dr. Christian Hellmich (TU Wien) and Prof. Dr. Philipp Thurner (TU Wien) has been confirmed and has elected Philipp Thurner as its president.

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Please note that any ESB active or student member in good standing and affiliated to an organization located in Austria/Italy/Spain is also a rightful member of the Austrian/Italian/Spanish National Chapter of the ESB. The same applies to corporate members whose legal site is located in Austria/Italy/Spain, and to honorary and senior members who are resident in Austria/Italy/Spain. ESB members of Austrian/Italian/Spanish nationality, but working or resident in other countries, can also join the Chapter by sending a request to the President of the Chapter.



Corporate member’s news

Two of our corporate members have a contribution for this Autumn Newsletter.

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Corporate members of the ESB:

AMTI force and motion logo
Beta CAE logo
BoB Biomechanics logo
Materialise logo
Nobel Biocare logo