ESBiomech25 Congress in Zurich

Bone Mechanics and Tissue Engineering Workshop in Zaragoza

We are pleased to present you the Workshop “Bone Mechanics and Tissue
Engineering” that will be held the 6-7th February 2020 in Zaragoza
(Spain) (


Edificio Paraninfo, University of Zaragoza (Spain)


•    Scott Hollister – Georgia Institute of Technology and Emory
University (USA)
•    Gwendolene Reilly – The University of Sheffield (UK)
•    Bert van Rietbergen – Eindhoven University of Technology (NL)
•    Michael Skipper Andersen- Aalborg University (DK)
•    José Manuel García Aznar – University of Zaragoza (ES)

Registration form:

The workshop is free. But you need to register before 15th January 2020.
Limited places.
Lunches are not included, only the workshop materials.

Dra. MªAngeles Pérez Ansón

Associate Professor of Structural Mechanics (Profesora de M.M.C. y T.E.)
Mechanical Engineering Dept. (Depto. Ingeniería Mecánica)
Escuela de Ingeniería y Arquitectura (EINA)
Aragón Institute of Engineering Research (I3A)
University of Zaragoza (Universidad de Zaragoza)

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