ESB National Chapters
National Chapters of the Society can be created in any country of Europe where a legally established national Society of Biomechanics – or any other national scientific society whose aim is uniquely focused on biomechanics research – does not exist. National chapters aim at promoting and disseminating biomechanics research at the national level. At least five active members of the Society registered from that country must jointly apply and submit an application to the Council for the national group to be designated as a National Chapter of the Society. The applicants must produce a declaration that no national society of biomechanics exists in that country at the date of application, and present the By-Laws in English that regulate the activity of the proposed Chapter.
More information can be found in Article VII of the by-laws. If interested, please contact the Deputy Treasurer and chair of the Sponsorship Committee.
Currently, there is an active Italian, Spanish, and Austrian Chapter in the ESB.