ESBiomech25 Congress in Zurich

4th ESB Webinar reminder: “FEBio, a Nonlinear Finite Element Solver for Biomechanics “

We remind our members about the 4th webinar of the ESB Webinar Series which will introduce the FEBio Software SuiteThe webinar will take place on March 30th 2020 at 17:00 CET.

This seminar has been co-organised by the ESB and VPHi student committees.

FEBio is a freely-available finite element solver designed specifically for solving problems in computational biomechanics and biophysics. This webinar on the FEBio software project will be focused mostly on new FEBio users and aims to:

  • Introduce FEBio and provide an overview of its capabilities.
  • Introduce FEBio Studio, a new integrated environment for setting up, running, and analyzing FEBio models.

At the end of this webinar, attendees will have learned the basic steps for working with FEBio and FEBio Studio, including how to:

  • Import surface and CAD geometry into FEBio Studio and generate FE meshes.
  • Set up boundary conditions, material parameters, and analysis settings.
  • Run the FEBio solver from within FEBio Studio.
  • Visualize and animate the FEBio results.

The webinar will be conducted by Dr. Steve Maas. He received his Master’s in Physics from the University of Antwerp, Belgium, in 2002 and his PhD in Computing from the University of Utah, USA, in 2017. Since 2005, he has been employed at the Musculoskeletal Research Laboratory at the University of Utah where he has been the lead software developer on the FEBio software project. FEBio is a finite element solver designed specifically for solving problems in computational biomechanics and biophysics. It accomplishes this by focusing on constitutive models, loading conditions, and modeling scenarios that are relevant to these research domains. Steve Maas has also created the PreView and PostView supporting software packages, which are used for pre-processing and post-processing, respectively, FEBio models. He is also the lead on the new FEBio Studio project, which is a fully integrated environment that combines many of the pre- and post-processing and solver capabilities, in a single unified interface.

The seminar will last 45 minutes followed by 15 minutes of Q/A from the audience. You will have the chance to ask your questions which will be addressed by the speaker at the end of the webinar. However, it would be great if you could send your question in advance while filling the registration form or by sending to and/or  before the start of the webinar.

Click here to register for the webinar.

Please Subscribe to our YouTube channel! ( ) and set a reminder for yourself via YouTube (

Looking forward to your attendance.

ESB Student Committee

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Materialise logo
Nobel Biocare logo